Isolation rules mean that a student who is off with Covid-19 will be off with illness. In the vast majority of possible circumstances only students who are ill will be off.
We understand that Covid-19 can affect students in a mild way and 7 days is long time. Obviously we would like ill students to focus on their recovery but a student may well enough to do some work e.g. they might be feeling better towards the end of their 7 days off ill. We are now aligned with the DFe’s schools COVID-19 operational guidance which states that “Where appropriate, you should support those who need to self-isolate because they have tested positive to work or learn from home if they are well enough to do so.” Some teachers are aiming to set work on Show My Homework so it is still worth checking. We have created this booklet to support students to work or learn from home if they are well enough to do so.