Show My Homework
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Homework at The Stonehenge School
Homework is work that is set to be done outside the timetabled curriculum. It contains an element of independent study in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher.
It is important in raising student achievement. Not all homework is done at home; in fact, for some pupils who find it hard to work at home, or for some tasks which may require resources (books, software, equipment) more readily available at school, it is necessary or desirable to carry out the task at school. Homework enhances pupil learning, improves achievement and develops pupils’ study skills and as such is an integral part of the curriculum. It requires careful planning and integration into the scheme of work of each curriculum area.
Homework enables pupils to:
- consolidate and extend work covered in class or prepare for new learning activities.
- access resources not available in the classroom.
- develop research skills.
- have an opportunity for independent work.
- show progress and understanding.
- provide feedback in the evaluation of teaching.
- to enhance their study skills e.g. planning, time management and self discipline.
- to take ownership and responsibility for learning.
- engage parental co-operation and support.
- create channels for home school dialogue.
Homework can be:
- Independent learning
- Consolidation of work in class
- Practice – learning by doing
- Completion of coursework assignments
- Research
- Reading
- Interviews
- Drawing
- Using ICT
- Recording
What is Show My Homework?
Show My Homework is a simple homework calendar the school will be using to ensure homework is set and communicated with parents across the school. Teachers can use it to set homework quickly and ensure the learners and parents always have the information they need about homework available via the Web, Mobile and Tablet devices.
How can homework be accessed?
Homework can be accessed by teachers, students and parents in the following ways:
- Please go to – There is no login required to see the school homework calendar. You can see homework that is set across the schools and then use the filters to find what you are looking for.
- A personalised homework calendar is available for all users including students and parents. Once you login, you can only see your own homework schedule.
- There are iPhone and Android apps available for free for students and parents.
- The Show My Homework service is available and works on all devices using a modern browser such as IE 8+, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
The role of the pupil:
- To listen to homework instructions in class.
- To visit the school homework calendar via the school website.
- To download the Apple or Android app if they have a smart phone to see their homework.
- To copy down instructions for the task and deadline date into the homework diary if this has been requested by the teacher.
- To ensure that homework is completed and handed in to meet the deadline.
- To attempt all work and give their best.
- To inform the class teacher of any difficulties.
The role of the Parents:
- The role of the parent is crucial if a child is to gain success from homework. To reinforce its value through positive feedback will give students the confidence to persevere, work hard and reach high standards of achievement. Parents can assist by:
- Providing a table, chair and a quiet place to work.
- Negotiating with the student when homework is to be done as a student’s free play is important too.
- Checking the time spent on individual tasks.
- Ensuring that outside clubs do not hamper a child’s quality of work and put a child under undue pressure.
- Checking presentation and content of all homework being returned to school.
- Signing the homework planner each week.
- Providing the school with information about any problems through the student planner or by contacting the school directly.