The Most Able
The Stonehenge School has students with a wide range of abilities and talents and we aim to ensure that our most able pupils have high aspirations and are given every opportunity to fulfil their academic potential. Able students need as much support and encouragement as others to strive and succeed. The information below outlines some of the ways The Stonehenge School supports able students on their academic journey
A full explanation of the identification process, and the provision for ‘The Most Able Students” can be found here in our ‘AGAT policy’
Information for parents
Parents play an essential role in the development of their able child, a role which the school supports but cannot displace. There are a variety of ways in which parents can facilitate the development of their children in terms of: General Cognitive Development, Language Development, Logic and Numerical Development, Development at School, Concerns about School.
Please read our advice leaflet on these important aspects by clicking here
Furthermore, parent/school communication is also essential in order to ensure that your son/daughter is suitably stretched and challenged. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Progress Leader, or The Most Able Coordinator:
Opportunities in and outside the curriculum
We aim to offer opportunities to stretch the most able both in and outside the classroom through a number of ways. Quality teaching is obviously our first priority and we regularly reflect on the level on stretch and challenge students receive through learning walks and student voice. Beyond the classroom each department looks to offer extracurricular opportunities aimed at the most able. This year selected students in year 9 and 10 also had the opportunity to take part in the Brilliant Club which produced some outstanding results.
Useful Links
Useful Reading
Sousa, D, A. (2003) How The Gifted Brain Learns. London: Sage
Porter, L (2005) Gifted Young Children: A guide for teachers and parents. Berkshire: Open University Press
Gross, M, U, M. (2003) Exceptionally Gifted Children. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge Farmer