What is it?

The Affordable Schools Strategy is a fully resourced, universal, non-stigmatising and proactive approach which empowers us to:

  • Develop a widely shared understanding of the causes, barriers and challenges faced by pupils and families who are living in poverty
  • Make universal, positive changes to policies and practices that will improve the experience of all, especially the most vulnerable.

The Principles Behind The Strategy

This strategy is built upon a set of guiding principles which allow us to challenge and overcome the effects of disadvantage and these guidelines are outlined below:

  • An Affordable School is committed to reducing poverty related stigma by

deliberately making positive changes to every aspect of school policy and

practice through the lens of affordability

  • Any ‘affordable’ provision is a universal provision: we cannot be certain at

any one time which families, or members of the school community, are

experiencing financial hardship so our policies and practice should not

identify, exclude, treat differently or make assumptions

  • Being ‘affordable’ means being creative and solutions focused to ensure our

provision and curriculum offer is always easily accessible to all students,

without limiting the quality of education

  • Relationships are key to the success of the Affordable Schools strategy
  • Strong leadership and positive action will make a difference to our school communities.

The Thinking Behind It

This strategy draws on information and evidence from The Children’s Society, Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), Children North East (Poverty Proofing) and the Education Endowment Foundation.

Our Journey So Far

We have been involved with this project since 2023 when it was in its infancy, taking part in the pilot and presenting at the conference which launched it to secondary schools in Wiltshire. We have surveyed parents, staff and students to discover thoughts about costs associated with a typical school day, and all teaching staff have received training which has introduced them to the strategy and its intended outcomes. There is an established group of school staff now working through the four key areas of the strategy to evaluate current policies and affect change.

The Strategy Itself

The strategy is broken down into four key areas:

  • Resourcing the School Day
  • Enrichment and Opportunities
  • Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
  • Securing Positive Partnerships

To find out how we are addressing these key areas, please click on the relevant section.

If you have any questions about the strategy, or would like to discuss anything associated with the cost of the school day, please e-mail us at affordableschools@stonehenge.wilts.sch.uk

Resourcing The School Day

  • The uniform policy has recently been revised in line with government guidance to ensure branded items are kept to a minimum.
  • A pre-loved uniform shop called ‘Uniformd’ has items available to purchase on the school website. Additional items such a prom outfits and Christmas jumpers have been added. The shop has been promoted in the school newsletter.
  • Equipment is available to purchase on the Class Charts shop. Those entitled to free school meals are provided with basic equipment and exam kits if needed.
  • The school calendar is now shared with parents in advance, and from 2024 will include as many costings as possible.
  • All families who fall under the FSM or FSM6 category have been contacted to ensure every student has had their annual entitlement to free uniform. Items can be delivered to school so that all parents can easily access this entitlement.
  • Laptops are provided for those entitled to free school meals and who also have been assessed as having SEND.
  • Basic ingredients for food and catering lessons are supplied.

Enrichment And Opportunities

  • Parents are able to build up a pot of money on Parent Pay to allow budgeting for trips and visits.
  • Planning, mapping and tracking takes place to ensure a fairness of opportunity, and to monitor the financial expectations of parents.
  • Strict guidelines are in place to ensure parents have plenty of time to pay for residential and foreign trips.
  • Those entitled to free school meals are offered a 50% discount on all day trips/visits, and a 25% discount on all residential and foreign trips.
  • Senior leaders are encouraging more local and free enrichment opportunities.
  • Students are regularly consulted on what experiences they would like.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

  • Free breakfasts have been offered to all students, and specifically to those entitled to free school meals. Universal provision is being explored. A Tesco grant has been successfully bid for.
  • All students entitled to free school meals have their allowance added to their school account daily and use thumb print access in line with the rest of the school.
  • All students entitled to free school meals are able to pre-order their lunch, and collect themselves, before a trip or visit.
  • The school parliament will be working with the senior leadership team to be accredited as a Wiltshire Healthy School.
  • Sanitary products are readily available from the pastoral office.

Securing Positive Partnerships

  • A designated pastoral manager for disadvantaged students works with parents, families and other agencies.
  • Details of financial assistance available to families is provided.
  • Parents can contact the school regarding finances, in confidence, using a specific affordable schools e-mail address.
  • Food bank vouchers and referrals are made in consultation with families.