Going to sixth form or college in September 2025?
Have you thought about how you will travel there?
Students who are aged over 16 do not receive a free bus pass to travel to college or sixth form. You will therefore need to decide
how you are going to travel there and what is the best way to pay for a bus pass or season ticket. Enquiries can also be made with the school
or college regarding bursary funding.
To find out more about the options open to you please visit the Wiltshire Council website at http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/schoolslearning-transport before the end of June 2025 as you may be able to pay for your bus pass in instalments if you apply before July.
Do you need help with transport?
If you live in Wiltshire and your family has a low income, you may be able to purchase a bus pass through Wiltshire Council at a lower
rate than going direct to the bus company. If you are on a low income we recommend you apply for a Bursary through Wiltshire College or the
school as this is the most cost effective route. Please contact the college or school direct. However, you will only be able to pay in instalments if
you apply to the council before the end of June, so please visit our website now to see if you qualify for one of these passes, even if you are
not sure yet which school or college you will be attending.
Application forms can be found by clicking the links below  –
Under 16 Transport Application 
Post 16 Transport Application

6th Form College Links

Andover College


Tel—01264 360000

Bishop Wordsworth’s Grammar School & 6th Form College


Tel—01722 333851

Burgate School & 6th Form College


Brockehnhurst College


Tel—01590 625555

Peter Symonds College


Tel—01962 857000

Salisbury 6th Form College


Tel – 01722 597970

South Wilts Grammar School & 6th Form College


Tel—01722 3323326

Sparsholt College


Tel—01962 776441

Totton 6th Form College


Tel—02380 874874

Wellington Academy, Tidworth


Tel – 01264 405060

Wiltshire College, Salisbury


Tel—01722 3443445

Wiltshire College, Lackham


Tel—01249 466800