Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 as an additional source of funding from central government aimed to close an attainment gap between students from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. The funding is expected to tackle social mobility issues, increasing the opportunities for those students for whom social disadvantage could lead to academic under performance or to disengagement with school, and thereby reducing the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving students nationally.

The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to provide extra support and resources for students from lower-income backgrounds. There is also a Services Premium for all students from services backgrounds, aimed at offering extra pastoral support for these students, with a recognition that family situations can mean that from time to time a focus on learning can be hard for these students.

The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of pupils who:

  • Have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’).
  • Have been looked after continuously for more than six months
  • Are children of services personnel

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to school is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility’. Source DfE website

  • The DfE has given us the freedom to use the pupil Premium as we see fit, based upon our knowledge of our pupil needs.

(If you feel your child falls into any of the above categories please complete the form FSM Forces and Adopted from Care Form April 2019 and return to Mrs  Findley, Office Manager)

Our School

The Stonehenge School is an 11-16 mixed comprehensive school with around 1069 pupils in a selective authority. The number of pupils currently registered for Free School Meals (ever 6) lies at 14.4%.

We also have 41% of our students coming from a services background.

In the financial year 2023-24 academic year we received  £213,757 in total for Disadvantaged Pupil Premium. For the current academic year the school has been allocated £171,588 in Disadvantaged Pupil Premium.

Strategies used at our school

At The Stonehenge School, we are committed to ensuring all our students make the best possible progress. Our focus on ensuring students across the school receive the best standard of teaching benefits all students, including those qualifying for the pupil premium. We also track the achievement of every child on a regular basis and do all we can to ensure that every child achieves their potential. The Pupil Premium at The Stonehenge School supports high staffing levels ensuring reduced class sizes where vulnerable students are placed. Along with high quality teaching, attainment gaps are addressed by strong leadership, a personalised and relevant curriculum, a culture of high expectations and targeted intervention.

How we spend our funding

Based on the research completed by The Sutton Trust, we know that some of the most effective strategies to support disadvantaged students include: effective feedback, meta-cognition and self-regulation, peer tutoring, collaborative learning, behaviour interventions, social and emotional learning and parental involvement. In order to allow all of our students to ‘strive for excellence, exceed expectations’ we have founded our approach to narrowing the gap between vulnerable groups and other students on these practices.

You can find our full pupil premium strategy for the 2023/2024 academic year, as well as impact review of 2023/2024 spending here 

Service Pupil Premium Funding 2024/2025

Total Funding available:              £154,467

Number of Students:                     459

The school receives Service Pupil funding to mitigate the impact of mobility and deployment. To read about the guidance on how schools should use this funding, please visit:


To see how we spend the Services Pupil Premium at Stonehenge please see below:



Measure Details
Progress leaders in each year group Progress Leaders will specifically monitor data in order to identify any gaps in learning due to mobility and liaise with staff regarding ways to bridge these. Furthermore they offer a contact point to ease transition between schools.
Pastoral Managers in Each Year Group Pastoral Managers liaise with services parents and students in order to offer ongoing support during times of turbulence.
Assistant Headteacher and Attendance Officer Oversees  transition, student recruitment and attendance


High teacher/student ratio The funding allows us to add extra teaching sets to year groups in order to account for students that move into the area. Furthermore it allows the teacher to offer more individualised support.
ELSA TA Trained emotional literacy and support assistants to enable our services students to make the best progress possible
Counselling Counselling provision for individual students whose needs go beyond that offered through the pastoral system
Little Trooper Sessions A weekly group comprising 15 sessions per group to work through various themes that impact on services students. Offering support and coping strategies
Army Welfare Support Small group sessions mentoring Services students, including social skill development.
Services Prefects and Ambassadors To represent the services community and offer peer support
The Most Able Provision Data is scrutinised to enable the inclusion of services students; even if KS2 data may not be sufficient for their inclusion.


Bath Spa University visits and small group workshops support The Most Able Services students.

Staff training CPD session offered during TD days in order to raise awareness and understanding of service students amongst staff.


Effectiveness of Pastoral Intervention is not as easy to measure as academic impact. However, the support should be noticeable in data relating to Behaviour, Attendance and Wellbeing.

Our Services student body has a significantly lower percentage of persistent absence. Furthermore, services students have a higher attendance rate than our non-services students. Finally, our services students are less likely to be excluded from school than their non-services peers.

Financial Benchmarking

Benchmarking is the process of comparing our school’s spending with similar schools and schools with similar challenges.  It allows our school to look at spend in different areas such as staffing, supplies and services, buildings and land.  Benchmarking helps us to consider how to use our resources to support high-quality teaching and the best education outcomes for our pupils.  It can help our school to consider whether:

  • our resource allocations are working for us;
  • how we can improve outcomes by doing things differently.

Benchmarking is only a guide for schools and we have to consider local knowledge about our school when assessing the data.

Please click here for The Stonehenge School Financial Benchmarking page on the government website.

Below, we have information on how many staff at The Stonehenge School who earn over £100,000 a year:

Number of staff who earn over £100,000